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Jelper Club CEO Daichi Mitsuzawa Inspires Future Leaders at Keio Shonan Fujisawa High School Career Seminar

On January 24, 2024, our CEO, Daichi Mitsuzawa, participated as a guest speaker at a career education seminar for third-year high school students at Keio Shonan Fujisawa High School (SFC).

During the seminar, there was a presentation about Jelper Club, and our CEO discussed the journey leading up to the founding of the company. This was followed by individual talk sessions where he interacted with the participating students. He provided advice to high school seniors, especially those considering careers related to cross-border issues, who are on the verge of entering university.

Our company, Jelper Club, is committed to continuing our social contribution activities to create an environment where talented students studying in Japan can have hope for Japan.


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